Cozumel Wedding Photography
While I was in Cozumel, Mexico shooting the wedding of Lina and Ron, I had an afternoon off. Apple (my BFF) and I decided to take this opportunity to swim with dolphins. I’ve always wanted to swim with these beautiful, smart mammals. I’m so glad I got to experience this amazing experience with my BFF Apple. I was a bit nervous when I first stepped foot into the beautiful blue water. See, I don’t know how to swim. Almost drowned when I was in my teens. Since then I’ve always been terrified of the water. Gosh, I can’t even begin to tell you what a beautiful and amazing experience it turned out to be. Her name is Malinche. I was almost in tears when I first touched Malinche. She was just so beautiful and CUTE!!! I could play with her all day and not get bored!! Haha!!
Now snorkeling…Ok, photo quality sucks ‘cuz it was taken w/ an underwater disposable camera. Oh well. At least it documented my first snorkeling excursion.
For those that knows me, I’m TERRIFIED of the water and i don’t know how to swim. I freaked out the first 20 mins but had to tell myself over and over constantly to BREATHE cuz I was forgetting to do so cuz I was so nervous. I have to say, I am really proud of myself for doing this!! And no I wasn’t by myself. I had a guide w/ me the entire time ‘cuz he saw that I was freaking out.
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Cozumel Weddings

BFF!!!!im ssoo honored to be there during that lifetime experience!Malinche was AMAZING! you were such a natural w the dolhpins,doing all those tricks!!cant wait to share more amazing adventures w you bff!LOVE YA MUCH and BEYOND!