SEO Video Tips
I did it!!! I just purchased Tofurious‘s SEO + Blogging DVD. It’s 3am and I have to be up in 1.5 hours to babysit my nephew tomorrow but I couldn’t sleep because I was so anxious to see this DVD. Well…I’m currently watching the blogging DVD because the SEO DVD is still downloading. It’s….eh so far. I do hope it gets better though because I just spent $800 (my very expensive christmas present to myself). I’ll keep you all posted when I’m done. If you’ve seen the videos yourself, I would love to hear your feedback and opinion.
Here’s a screenshot proving that I do own a copy of these DVD’s.
*********UPDATE December 8, 2009**********
Ok. So here’s my final review on both the Tofurious SEO and Blogging DVD.
**BLOGGING-I didn’t really learn anything I didn’t already know in the majority of this video. If you’re a newbie and don’t know anything whatsoever about blogging, than maybe this is the video for you. It walks you through pretty much everything from A to Z step by step. But on a more advanced level, I would say I’d grade it a C.
**SEO-I must say I did learned quite a bit from this DVD. I spent more time watching this video than I did with the blogging video. I felt like I definitely got my moneys worth with this video. Just like the blogging video, Lawrence Chan walks you through everything step by step. If I were to grade this video, I’d give it a B. Lawrence was very thorough and explained a lot of questions I had about SEO but didn’t either had the time to find it nor was I able to find it on the internet.
Overall, the SEO DVD is definitely worth the investment for me. But I’m glad I only spent $800 vs. $2000 for the actual workshop. I wish I would’ve only spent $400 for the SEO video though because like I’d mentioned earlier, I didn’t really get much from the Blogging video. I still thank you Lawrence for teaching us everything you know and I greatly appreciate you for that. But I must say that after watching the two videos, I’m VERY surprised Jasmine Star came to Lawrence for advice since she’s the queen of blogging.
Tofurious SEO DVD is a good buy! I would personally skip on the Blogging video. A lot of the things that was talked about you can find on the internet. Will these two videos change my business like I’ve been hearing everyone else saying that it did, to be honest, only time will tell.
SEO Blogging Tips

Go get some sleep!
hahaha. i’ve been staring at you for an hour already. you get some sleep as well you owl!
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I feel that my work is really good. Every client loves their wedding photographs I take and I have a 100% booking rate (if they meet me, they book me). My problem was that I wasn’t getting the hits I needed to get “known”. That was the problem. As soon as Lawrence said that you could be the best artist in the world, but if no one sees your work, then what – he hit a nerve with me.
I hmmm’d and haaa’d over buying these dvds. In the end I looked at my spending for magazine ads ($5000 per year). I was getting maybe 1 wedding because of it. For sure not a great ROI. Not only that, I was spending $5000 per year on wedding shows! I tried to learn as much as I could about SEO over the last few months on my own. In the end, I heard a lot of conflicting information and came out more confused than ever.
Am I ever glad that I decided to bite the bullet and purchase these dvds. Now some of these things I was already doing so that made me feel better about myself and abilities. Over the past few months I was implementing some of Lawrence’s suggestions and I moved from page 15 to page 8! I know with further implentation of his steps, I will hit an even better page ranking.
I have an education background and how someone teaches a new concept is very important to me. Lawrence breaks down what to do step by step in all easy to understand lessons.
Don’t purchase these videos expecting change overnight. SEO doesn’t work that way. Trust Lawrence. The steps he tells you will help. It’s just hard for us immediate gratification people!