So last year I attended Skip’s Summer School last August 2009. I can’t belive the amount of information I took home from this amazing seminar. It blew my mind. While I was there, I was standing next to Scott Bourne chatting with him right in front of Dane Sander’s booth. He casually asked me if I owned a copy of Dane’s Fast Track Photographer book. I replied no. He then shouted over to Dane that he’s buying me a copy of his book and two more copies to the next two people in line. I was so stunned and shocked I started tearing up!! Dane then walked over, signed the book (this part I didn’t remember) and gave me a hug. In fact, we all hugged. Hahaha. Let’s fast forward to today, Ted Suss from Neil Enterprise asked me to lend him a copy of the book since it’s sold out. Now I have to shamelessly admit, I haven’t gotten around to reading it nor did I got a chance to read what Dane wrote to me. Come on! I was in a state of shock when Scott bought me the book!!! I completely forgot he wrote on the book till my friend Danny Mendoza reminded me of it just last week at a Chicago Fast Track meeting. Well I opened the front cover of the book today and it read, “Melissa, Scott loves you. Dane” Needless to say, my heart swelled.

I remember it like it was yesterday…
Such a life-changing book. My copy was bought for me by a friend as well, and it remains one of the most meaningful investments that has been made into my life and business. Thanks for sharing, Melissa!