I split these pictures into two separate blog posts because there are just so many pictures! For our two year wedding anniversary, we decided to go to Tuscany for two weeks. It’s kind of a long story how we ended up choosing Tuscany. Let’s just say the opportunity kinda fell in our lap. This is me and Giant’s first time in Italy so we were excited about this trip. Italy was extremely HOT the entire time we were there. It was especially hot in Rome for the two days we were there. For the rest of the time, we stayed in a small town in Tuscany called Sarteano. It’s very quiet and quaint, and the people there were extremely friendly and nice.
We found many fascinating doors and door knobs during our time in Italy. This is the door to the condo where we were staying. It was really tall and super heavy.
Sarteano. This is the quaint little where me and Giant stayed at for our two week stay in Tuscany.
Our view from our condo bedroom. It was so peaceful waking up to this every morning.
Montepulciano. Our favorite town in Tuscany. It’s also the same town where they filmed the Twilight series New Moon and Under the Tuscan Sun.
For you Twilight fans, does this door below look familiar??
July is sunflower season in Tuscany so we saw these beautiful fields everywhere.
The famous Fontana di Trevi. It was super packed there.
They say make a wish and toss three coins over your right shoulder with your right hand. I think we each tossed only one coin. No, no we’re not superstitious.
After leaving the Trevi fountain, we ate at this beautiful pizzeria and as we were sitting outside enjoying our dinner, a guy came by and started playing an accordion. There’s just something about it that’s so romantic. It was one of my most favorite moments in Rome.
St. Peters in Vatican City.
Piazza Navona
I love their alleys!
The Pantheon. We accidentally stumbled across this place and left not even knowing what it was until some time later. Lol.
Annnnnd… this is me in our hotel lobby during happy hour resting my swollen feet. Giant was so embarrassed but frankly, I didn’t give a damn!
More to come in a few days!

[…] I finally got around to writing part 2 of this blog post. To see part one, please go here. […]