Greetings from Tuscany!! Hope you all had a great 4th! I thought I’d blog this e-session of Kim and Josh in the British Virgin Islands.
I’ve known Kim for more than, gosh, fifteen years? I haven’t seen her since high school. I was beyond stoked when she emailed me telling me she got engaged and wanted me to be their photographer. They had planned a small destination wedding in the British Virgin Islands and a reception later this fall in Chicago.
Day one of shooting Kim and Josh’s engagement session took place in The Baths in Virgin Gorda Island. This was my first time seeing Kim in over fifteen years and she haven’t changed or aged at all. I can seriously whip out a photo of her from over fifteen years ago and she’ll still look the exact same as she does now. She still has that warm smile that can light up the entire NYC. We met Josh for the first time on this day and I felt like we’ve known him forever. This day turned out to be a holiday so all the ferry schedule was cut short so that left us with basically very little time to shoot. We had less than 45 minutes to shoot inside The Baths and I was beyond bummed. I was so looking forward to shooting there and taking my time. Shooting inside The Baths is beyond amazing. It requires a lot of climbing and crawling though I love challenges like that. The water was super clear and warm. I seriously could’ve spent the entire day there! Day two of the shoot was on Jost Van Dyke Island. Both islands were just a short ferry ride away from Tortola. As you can see from the photos, both Kim and Josh are super laid back and fun. They smiles and laughs are extremely contagious. I found myself constantly smiling and laughing as I was editing their photos. It was so, so easy capturing their love and chemistry. We finished off their shoot day two on their catamaran. They’ve been sailing for almost a week around island hoping so we thought why not hope on the boat to document what they’ve been up to. The light was just perfect on the catamaran. I have more to share for Day three (wedding day) so stay tuned. Love you two!!
When we got to this part of The Baths with the light beam, it was super crowded. I had to ask people to leave us for two minutes so I can shoot them here. I felt like I can’t leave without having a shot here. We literally had this spot for maybe two minutes at most. I was a little bummed after I was done only because I’ve been planning and dreaming of shooting there. We had very little time and it was crowded at the same time. Boo!!
I saw this hammock while waiting for Kim and Josh to arrive and knew I had to shoot here. There was actually someone laying on it by the time they arrived so I kindly asked him to let us occupy it for the shoot. They were more than happy to and let right after that.
One of my favorites.
I saw this store (I think it’s a store) right off the beach and asked the lady that was sweeping the porch if we can shoot there. This little puppy ran right up to them. He was the cutest little thing. After Kim and Josh played with him for a bit, they put him down to continue on with our session. Little did we all know, you’ll see in the next photo, that puppy wasn’t done with them yet.
This puppy still wanted to be apart of the session and their attention. Giant’s heart melted when he saw this photo.
Thanks Kim and Josh for this amazing opportunity to photograph your love for each other. And having to do so in such a beautiful setting isn’t too shabby either. LOL! Love you two. Can’t wait to show you more!
For friends and families that wants to see more of this gallery, you can pre-register here.

Beautiful photos and what a gorgeous, gorgeous bride to be! My favorite picture is the one in the cave. How did you not get your camera wet?
Great moments! natural look of pictures, nice light! Fun! Congratulations!