Happy Friday! What are you doing to stay inspired this weekend?
xo, Melissa
Bacon & Pea Mac & Cheese: Now that the cat’s out the bag, I can explain why I’ve been craving comfort foods so much lately. Like this cheesy and protein-laden bowl of creamy pasta.
How to Make a Circle Photobooth: A fabulous party idea and surely, even more fab photos! Ever since I made my own photobooth for Little G’s first birthday bash (see here), I’ve been looking for more inspiration from around the web. Even though this photobooth was specifically designed for a MadMen-esque event, you can easily apply this inspiration to any photobooth theme, like strings of paper lanterns instead of circles for Chinese New Year or silk flowers for spring.
Alphabet Rug: Some moms I know have had problems with paint coming off or their babies chewing apart those interlocking foam tiles you see in playrooms. I think this rug is a fun, alternative solution and has a lot going for it in terms of cushiness and color and does double-duty to teach your kid their ABC’s!
Dream Windows: This is what I imagine it would be to live inside the Louvre. Oh wait, you can’t actually do this? Oh well, one can dream. Imagine the light-filled photoshoots that would take place in here.
Pa Nang Curry: And my quest for Asian inspired food continues… and this one uses some healthier substitutes!