Happy Friday! What are you up to this weekend? Little G and I had quite the traumatic experience getting his hair cut yesterday. I think we’re going to stay in and recover while his hair grows back in, and his ear, too. Here are some links from around the web that are pinspiring me this week… happy reading!
Your Royal Highness: This magnificent creation is a work of art in itself! Vibrant hue, sheer décolletage, whimsical floral detail, and flowing skirt with thigh-high slit… there’s a lot going on here and yet somehow it just works.
Thank You Crackers: Super cute way to thank someone, don’t ya think? Just don’t shake the box or they might end up with a box of cookies that say “CRIME!”
Hand and Footprint Fun: An artistic way to memorialize your little one.
Dyed Mops: Not totally sure about this backdrop… I mean, it seems like an INORDINATE amount of work for what it is. However, its color story is pretty cool and it does inspire all kinds of on-trend ombre ideas in my head.
Super G! Perhaps for Little G’s second birthday party? It’s going to be hard to top his first fete, but this superhero theme looks like it can stand on its own.
Put A Ring On It: It’s shiny and perfect. That’s all.
Better Than Popcorn: Billowy pillows of pure deliciousness, perfect for snacking on this weekend at home!