Hola from Mexico!
If I was craving XOCO before, then I can now say with 100% certainty – I satisfied my craving with tons of amazing Mexican food while in Cancun last week for six awesome days! My two Giants and Grandma came along for a fantastic destination wedding I was shooting – and it was a blast!
A few monumental “firsts” happened on this trip:
- Grandma wore a bathing suit! Dipped in a pool! Snorkeled!
- Little G learned how to say “Me!”. He also learned how to say the word “Grandma” in Vietnamese!
- Little G tolerated sand! (Trust me – this is HUGE!)
We stayed at the stunning Azul Sensatori Hotel Mexico. What’s not to love about beach vacays and waking up to views of the ocean, lazy lunches on the beach, cat-napping under huts? Little G could name a few, including:
- Ocean water
- Sand
- Swimminng in the cenotes (underwater sinkholes)
Oh, yes, he also still hates bubbles.
So, besides a few minor freakouts over sand, Little G was great in Mexico! I was worried about how he would adapt to the time change, but other than being tired and grumpy one afternoon, all was good.
I love my job – being able to combine my passion for travel and family with my work is such a blessing. Special thanks to Grandma who was a huge help! – Little G can’t stop asking for you!
Enjoy the rest of our trip photos, and hasta luego!
p.s. Wedding shoot was flawless – we’ll save the details for another post! Stay tuned!