Before it officially became winter here in Chicago (like yesterday, gah!), the fall foliage still tempted with its rustic beauty. Enter Valerie and her stunning bump – perfect for a roll around the leaves. This lovely momma-to-be will welcome her second baby any day now around Thanksgiving, and I can’t think of anything to be more grateful for at this time of year. And doesn’t Valerie look like an angel clad in a flowing white gown?
Some readers have asked how it seems like my clients always know just what to wear for a shoot.
In case you haven’t worked with me, I typically go over wardrobe with my clients, which helps them prepare and feel more comfortable in front of the camera. I also usually have a very specific vision, and if they don’t have what I’m looking for, they often will go out and hunt it down, wear it for the shoot, and return it. If you’re not actually a professional model with tons of clothing options at your disposal, this is what we average folks do!
There you have it – now that this pro tip is out the bag, hit me up here for more trade secrets on nailing the perfect shoot!
xo, Melissa

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