It’s just so perfectly meme-worthy: The meltdown going on in the middle complete with a pack of peanuts, Dad and Mom looking totally casual about the whole thing, and big bro Max, whose expression is totally like #OMGnotagain.
But really, this is one outtake from a slew of other amazing shots with an amazing family that I love to call my friends. I’ve known Jamie and Shawn for nearly four years, ever since big bro was only a peanut, learning to sit up on his own and picnicking in the park with my Lil G. This family of three that I photographed in 2012 has now turned into four – with the addition of sweet 11-month old Rowan, or RoRo as we all call him.
Unfortunately for me, they now reside on the East Coast, but returned to Chicago for a whirlwind weekend visit – their first time back, and which Jamie had insisted, “would only be complete with a Melissa Diep family session.” Well, consider yours truly flattered. Here’s what I have to say to you, girlfriend: #ItsAllAboutTheHair #MoveBackNow #MidwestIsBest
Scroll through for more of this delightful family and the spectacular backdrop courtesy of Lincoln Park Zoo – I’m certain they will capture your hearts as they have mine!
xo, Melissa
Hair and makeup provided by Tran B. Nguyen.

[…] architectural structure and offers endless posing opportunities for all types of shoots. See this family session […]
[…] When I was in New York City for my 40th birthday trip, I had the pleasure of shooting two of my favorite families I know from Chicago. (Check out Cecilia’s family session.) The other family session was for my best friend, Jamie, and her husband Shawn, both of whom I’ve known for almost 6 years, since our firstborns were babies and playing in the park together in Chicago! In fact, I’ve had the honor of shooting all her other sessions as their family grew, one by one – see here and here. […]