I finally got around to writing part 2 of this blog post. To see part one, please go here.
Italians are big on food but not really big on breakfast. After being there for two days, we couldn’t find a breakfast place anywhere. So with the help of Google, we learned that Italians only eat sweet pastries for breakfast. Oh and they eat it standing up on the go. Lol. Neither one of us are too fond of pastries. We can maybe eat it for a day or two but not everyday. Thankfully there’s a grocery store across the street from our condo and they have fresh sandwiches. Their meat selection was mainly prosciutto or salami. We later learned that these two meat selections was the main choices for restaurants throughout Tuscany. So below is what we ate almost everyday the 14 days we were there. So imagine eating either prosciutto and salami for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the majority of our time in Tuscany!!
Sienna! My second favorite town in Tuscany!
Monteriggioni-they were celebrating their annual medieval fest the week we were there. It was so interesting seeing hundreds of these actors getting into their role. You even have to purchase food with their own currency from back in the days.
The Giant and I were huffing and puffing walking up and down these super steep steps (which is everywhere in Tuscany) so it’s so fascinating to me when I see an elderly person walking/hiking up these stairs.
Of course we can’t step foot into any country without the Giant wanting to visit any sites that’s car related. We left Tuscany for a day and drove all the way up north to Bologna to visit the Pagani factory. Although I’m not a car enthusiast like the Giant but I have to say it was a pretty neat tour. We also toured the Lamborghini factory afterwards but we weren’t allowed to take any photos. Both factories were very near each other and I have to say, it was not as boring as I thought it be.
So that’s all. We had a blast! Got sick of eating Italian food after day 4 but other than that, we loved Tuscany!
P.S. I fried my hair while in Rome. Our entire hotel room smelled like burnt hair.