Meet Noah. He is curious, bubbly and full of life––as he should be! This sweet baby boy of one year was delivered prematurely at 25 weeks when his mom, Lauren, had an emergency C-section due to complications from HELLP syndrome. Doctors said Noah had a fifty percent chance of surviving, but just look at this thriving, little man who recently celebrated his first birthday!
Now at a sturdy 19lbs (a far cry from his birth weight of 1lb 6oz!), Noah is the picture of health and joy––you would never know that he was resuscitated several times while in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for five months, has undergone countless blood transfusions, or that he is still on oxygen and has a feeding tube in his little tummy! I photographed mom and baby on a beautiful, sunny day at Skinner Park in Chicago. Motherhood suits Lauren––she’s glowing in an equally sunny yellow dress! You might remember the lovely Lauren from here, and this time, I had a chance to catch up with her on all things mommyhood:
Best thing about being a mother? I appreciate the little things so much more. We have come so far, that every little thing matters. When he smiles, lifts his head, laughs, coos. We never thought we were going to get to any of that. Developmentally and physically now he is just perfect and amazing to us!
Hardest thing? All the medical equipment and medicines he requires on a daily basis. But otherwise, Noah is such a good baby!
Best advice you ever received when Noah was born? Appreciate him and have patience.
Congrats, Lauren, on your little miracle baby!
xo, Melissa