A month after Little G turned one, I did a sweet, little “Mommy & Me” session with Suzy. As you all know, she’s not only a colleague in the industry, but also a good friend. (The girl even let me borrow her beautiful bedroom for this shoot, just because I’m obsessed with that tufted headboard of hers!)
I trust Suzy implicitly to capture my family in all those precious moments––the playful, the simply sweet, even the intimate. If you wish, much further down this post you’ll see some photos of me breastfeeding Little G, who had started signing “Milk” during the shoot.
You might wonder if there was any hesitation on my part to post these on my blog. The answer is not at all! There’s no wardrobe malfunction, guys, it’s just a very natural, normal moment between momma and baby. Unfortunately, although understandably, when I shoot new moms in this light, I’ve never been given permission to post. So I’ve decided to post my own photos here because they beautifully showcase Suzy’s artistry and skill as a family photographer.
Speaking of skill, Little G made Suzy weeerk! He was so hyper that day. He wouldn’t sit for long or stay on my lap or even lean on my shoulders like he normally does. Suzy’s dogs were yapping in the next room, and Little G, he absolutely loves dogs! Still, she worked her magic and we left with these beautiful captures.
I’ve learned a lot about motherhood over the last 14 months. The most important things I’ve discovered? The key to survival is to sleep when he sleeps. Sign language was a start to a better relationship for all three of us because he feels good when he knows we understand him. And finally, stop reading the baby books and forget about what others are doing. . . whether that be about breastfeeding or something else, just go with what feels right for you and your baby!
xo, Melissa

[…] Headboard: Remember that amazing tufted headboard in Suzy’s bedroom, which she generously let me and Roman take over for our Mommy and Me photo shoot? This DIY […]
Hi! I just came across your beautiful nursing pictures while looking for inspiration for a nursing session I have scheduled with my photographer! I’m in love with your pictures!!! Do you remember where you bought your dress from? I would love something just like that! Thank you and good for you, mama for not being afraid to bare it all!