Momma and Dadda
sitting in a tree:
First comes love,
then comes marriage,
then comes ME
in a baby carriage . . .
That’s not it!
That’s not all!
Baby 2.0 is
sure to bawl!
Little G’s gonna have a baby brother!!!
“Baby 2.0” is 13 weeks right now. We just can’t wait for diaper changes x2 and sleepless nights. All kidding aside, I feel so blessed to be pregnant again. Being 35 puts me at a higher risk, and because of this, I decided to take a chorionic villus sampling (CVS) to test for potential disorders. Although it is generally considered to be a safe procedure, there are risks involved––it is 1 out of every 500 procedures. Still, I was surprised by how many people were against me doing this, and I’m happy to shed some awareness on why it’s okay to do CVS.
For this second time around, here are a couple things I would do a bit differently:
Never say never. Because once you’re a parent, all the things you used to say you would never do, you end up doing. A million times over.
Put baby down when they’re sleepy but awake. Something we (unfortunately) never did with Roman, which, even more unfortunately, made it hard for him to learn how to soothe himself to sleep.
We’re in for a roller coaster ride, and I hope you’ll join us on it here from time to time! First crowd-surfing question––I’ve already got a Giant and a Little Giant––what should we call this second baby (besides Baby 2.0)? I’m taking suggestions!
xo, Melissa

HOORAY!!! Already said it like 3x elsewhere on the internet but why not again.. 🙂 congrats Melissa, Big G and lil g XO
Congrats on baby #2. Boy names I like: Levi, Easton, Kiptyn. Good luck.
[…] & Pea Mac & Cheese: Now that the cat’s out the bag, I can explain why I’ve been craving comfort foods so much lately. Like this cheesy and […]
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