five month old baby in unique valentine’s day photos. he’s a baby cupid
Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m spending mine with my fellas – there are THREE of them this year! I did a similar shoot with Little G when he was four months, and now Rhys here at 5 months. Rhys isn’t quite as chunky, though!
I’m a fan of less is more when it comes to photo shoots. You don’t have to go overboard with props – sometimes just a couple carefully planned and placed items will do the trick. In this case, mini feather wings and a wee naked baby. (I had a red bow and arrow for Rhys, too, but seem to have misplaced it in the move.)

Clean, simple cute, unique, valentine’s day, toddler, boy, not cheesy, kids, picture ideas, fun
Here are a few other tips for creating a unique Valentine’s Day shoot at home:
1. Go for simple to really let your little one shine. Even giving them a pair of fun heart-shaped sunnies to put on can be really cute and get you some great shots while keeping them occupied. See Little G’s simple string of plush hearts above. Get creative!
2. Tickle your child, make silly noises. It gets them laughing every time and in a good mood. Who can resist?
3. Textures. Use a textured rug or blanket as the backdrop. Here I could have zoomed in or cropped around Rhys so that you only see the feathers surrounding him, but for my shoot, I intended to show Rhys as Cupid and the full glory of his wings. So play around with shooting at different angles or close-ups, and remember, editing is your friend!
Happy Valentine’s Day, to you and yours!
xo, Melissa

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