The movie that sparked the imaginations of children the world over also inspired my Little G’s (a.k.a. Roman) first birthday bash. (We’re talking about Pixar’s Up, just in case you couldn’t tell by looking at this photo.)
If it all seems a bit over-the-top, well, that’s because it is! I’ll be the first to admit this. I took great joy in planning this for months in advance; it was important to me to commemorate this past year, our extreme yet wonderful adventure together! I wanted Little G’s milestone birthday to be an event to remember, and in my own signature style. That means the works!
But first, check this out, kids . . . The. Most. Amazing. Cake. Ever.
Special thanks go to Naomi Levine, owner of TipsyCake, for creating this magnificent “floating house” cake for Little G! I CRIED when I saw it. It is truly a visual feast for the eyes and a testament to the meticulous skill of Naomi and her team. Oh, and it didn’t taste so bad, either. (It was Red Velvet with Italian Buttercream, what’s not to love?)
Adventure-land inspired décor included tons of floating balloons, well-worn globes, and old suitcases. I printed small adventure booklets for Little G’s pals from here.
I cut up a vintage map, punched holes, and threaded it together with string to create a handmade banner!
I don’t claim to be Martha Stewart, but I’m pretty proud of this balloon wreath I made out of over 100 balloons! All you need is a 16” straw wreath (just make sure you leave the plastic on so it doesn’t shred and make a mess!) and floral pins to pin the balloons.
Little G’s Wilderness Explorer uniform was pieced together from a variety of vendors I sourced online.
The pages of this Adventure Book album will soon be filled with photos of Little G, one for each of the 365 days of his life. And just like in the movie, we’re saving up for “Paradise Falls” with this perfect glass jug I found here.
Obviously, an Up-themed party would not be complete without fresh popcorn and grape soda!
I’m told the passed appetizers (particularly the scones with fresh cream and meat pies!) were a huge hit. A sit-down lunch followed: spinach bacon frittatas, Croque Mademoiselles, and potato and cheddar dauphinois. Special bites for the kiddos included PBJ and cheese sandwiches, mini cupcakes, and chocolate brownies. Food was catered by Artisan Catering and TipsyCake.
I set up photo opps for the kiddos in a whimsical hot air balloon backdrop that I created. And for the adults, they got quirky ‘staches and specs!
Little G had a blast! He was up waaaay past his naptime but did not fuss at all! (Though this would have been okay, because he’s the birthday boy and can cry if he wants to, right?) The only thing I regret is that we barely saw him throughout the party––he was obviously the star of the show and everyone wanted to play “Pass the Baby” one last time, I guess! He earns his medals that day, yessssir!!
I couldn’t have pulled this all off without help. Special props go to the staff of TipsyCake––you all were SUPER NICE and attentive and my guests couldn’t stop commenting on this! Also, thanks to my friend Ray Pryor from Emotia, who hooked me up with a projector so I could play Disney movies in the background, and to Mariano, my “gay husband”––he surprised me by flying in to Chicago from Las Vegas just for Little G’s birthday! Literally. I awoke in the middle of the night to someone shining a light in my face and saying, “Is it too late to RSVP?!?”
And finally, thanks to all our dear family and friends for your support over the past year and for celebrating with us today! Little G is only a baby for 365 days (although he’ll always be my baby!).
xo, Melissa

What an amazing 1st bday and no, you can never do to much for your own kids. Besides being an amazing photographer & mom, you can add party planner to your resume 🙂
[…] has been an interesting year. Turned 35, said happy first birthday to my beautiful baby boy, helped create my business’s first promotional video, AND President […]
[…] even more fab photos! Ever since I made my own photobooth for Little G’s first birthday bash (see here), I’ve been looking for more inspiration from around the web. Even though this photobooth was […]
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